How Taking More Time for Yourself Can Increase Your Income

In many careers, there's a belief that the more hours you put in, the more return you'll see. That's why a lot of private practice lawyers find themselves working 70-80 hour weeks. They believe, incorrectly, that this much time is necessary in order to pay their bills. However, the truth is that taking some time off and lessening your workload can actually increase productivity and lead to higher income streams. In this quick guide, we'll discuss why taking more breaks and spending less time working will actually help you as a lawyer.

Increase Creativity


Any good lawyer knows that law isn't cut and dry. The best defenses look at the law in creative ways. Lawyers have to be able to think outside the box in order to give their clients the best defense. However, when you're working yourself to the bones, there's no room for you to think creatively. Research shows that you actually lose the ability to work through a task if you focus on it for too long. That's why you'll find that a lot of companies like Google who need creative team members actively encourage their employees to take more breaks.

Reduce Burnout

Burnout is one of the biggest roadblocks lawyers face. When you get burned out on the job, it's hard to get yourself to show up day after day, much less make progress on your cases. People who work 70-80 hours don't have the downtime their brains and bodies need to recover. This leads to burnout, which drastically hinders progress at work.

When you increase your creativity and reduce burnout, you'll naturally start having better results with your clients. The more that clients give you positive reviews and good word of mouth, the more that you'll be able to attract high-paying clients that will allow you to continue spending less time at work for more money. To learn how you can offload your phone calls to us so that we can save you time, contact us today.